Picasso Museum

Off to the Picasso Museum in Barcelona? See our insider advice for a queue-free visit as well as opening times and phone numbers!

Estimated wait

High Estimated wait until 15:00
Tue 23 Wed 24 Thu 25 Fri 26 Sat 27 Sun 28 Mon 29
09:00 10:00
10:00 15:00
15:00 17:00
17:00 19:00
19:00 21:30
No wait
More than 1h30


international call rate
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Our tips

Picasso Museum queues

  • The biggest crowds gather during weekends, especially on Sundays: the entrance is free after 15:00. The first Sunday of each month you can visit the museum for free the whole day: imagine the waiting lines! It’s THE day to avoid.

  • During high season waiting lines to the Picasso Museum can easily take 1,5 hours of your time, sometimes even more.

  • The main tip is to buy your ticket online on the museum’s website, it will grant you immediate access upon your arrival. Definitely worth doing.

  • The least crowded time slot is in the morning: from 10 to 11. Try to come just before the opening time - thus your wait will be reduced to minimum. If late, you’ll find those famous queues (longest between 11:00 and 15:00).

  • There are some “open door” days (check the calendar) when the entrance is free. Not surprisingly free entrance will attract bigger crowds!

  • Choose a sunny day for your visit, most museums tend to get a higher flow of visitors when it’s raining.

Picasso museum in Barcelona Photo credits to adventureisoutthere via Blogspot

Tips for a few days in Barcelona

This page will give you many tips to avoid crowds in Barcelona as well as crowd schedules for top tourist attractions in order to plan your visits.


Museu Picasso
📍 Montcada 15-23

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