Lenin's Mausoleum

Going to Lenin's Mausoleum? See our insider tips for a queue-free visit. We're also clued in on opening times and phone numbers!

Estimated wait

Closed Reopens Sunday 21/04 at 10:00
Sat 20 Sun 21 Mon 22 Tue 23 Wed 24 Thu 25 Fri 26
10:00 13:00
Between and 10 min
Between 10 min and 30 min
Between 30 min and 1h


International call rate
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Our tips


  • Wednesday’s and Thursday’s are the best days for the visit.
  • Avoid Saturdays, public holidays, and school holiday periods: during these days you can suffer a more than 2-hour wait in line!
  • During high season the best way to avoid excessive queuing is to arrive 30-40 minutes before the opening time.
  • The longest waiting lines usually build up by noon.
  • During low season (from October to April, excluding holidays) waiting lines are usually short. On weekdays it won’t take you more than 10 minutes to enter the mausoleum.

Opening hours

  • Tuesday-Thursday, Saturday-Sunday: from 10:00 to 13:00.
  • Monday, Friday: closed.

Entry and general rules

  • Entry to the mausoleum is free.

  • The mausoleum can be entered only through the checkpoint by Nikolskaya Tower.

  • Bags, rucksacks, packages, large metallic objects or bottles containing liquid are prohibited (if necessary, a paid storage service is available in the building of the State Historic Museum).

  • Visitors are required to show respect while in the tomb: photography and videotaping inside the mausoleum are forbidden, as are talking, smoking, keeping hands in pockets, or wearing hats (unless female).



Lenin's Mausoleum
📍 Red Square

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