Iguazu Falls

Off to the Iguazu Falls? See our insider advice for a queue-free visit as well as opening times and phone numbers!

Estimated wait

Medium Estimated wait until 17:00
Sun 19 Mon 20 Tue 21 Wed 22 Thu 23 Fri 24 Sat 25
09:00 12:00
12:00 17:00

Our Tips

When to visit

  • Visitors usually arrive in the morning to enjoy the whole day, so if you want to avoid queuing, it is best to arrive at lunchtime. Another option would be to arrive early but spend the morning in the rest of the park and go see the falls only in the afternoon.

  • There are always less visitors on Monday, so if you can choose your day of visit, try to avoid weekends and holidays and prefer Mondays or weekdays.

How to buy tickets online

  1. Choose the type of ticket suitable according to your profile: Integral (meaning full price -for foreigners), Brazilian or Mercosul;

  2. Choose the number of tickets according to each visitor classification (adult, child or elderly);

  3. Check the total purchase amount and select “next”. This will take you to the identification page;

  4. Fill in identification information, and select the payment method;

  5. Make your payment. You will receive an email confirmation of your purchase with a link to print your voucher;

  6. Present the printed voucher with the required document(s) showing valid photo ID (identification card, drivers licence or passport) at the tourist service room, in the Visitors Center, next to the ticket office to collect your ticket(s);

  7. You must present the ticket and valid photo ID (identification card, CNH or passport) and birth certificate, in case of children without ID, to enter the Iguassu National Park.


Private vehicles are not allowed in the Park: the visitor must leave their vehicle in the parking lot and use the shuttle service provided within the preservation area. The transportation is given on panoramic buses. The cost of the shuttle service is already included in the ticket price.

Visitors Center

The Visitors Center has an information counter, ticket counter, bank, ICMBio service office, optional tours for sale, public telephones, restrooms, cafeteria, gift shop and permanent environmental exhibition.

We suggest you purchase your ticket online, so as to avoid the queue for the ticket office by collecting your tickets at the tourist service room in the visitors center (next to the ticket office), and going directly to the platform to board the buses that will take you 10 km into the park to the Iguaçu Falls.

Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls

Photos credits to Cyro A. Silva via Flickr

Other information

Telephone answering service starts at 8am, before the opening of the park.

Telephone Number

Contact number +(45) 3521-4400
international call rate
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Visitors Center
📍 Rodovia BR 469 - KM18 Foz do Iguaçu
CEP: 85855-750

Official car park R$: 17,00 For those with a local community pass R$: 8,50

Iguazu falls

Photo credits to Naíra Teixeira Dias via Flickr

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