Park Güell

How to avoid hours of queueing, visiting when it’s not packed by choosing the right days and hours. All our insiders tips and time schedules for Park Güell!

Estimated wait

Closed Reopens Wednesday 24/04 at 08:00
Tue 23 Wed 24 Thu 25 Fri 26 Sat 27 Sun 28 Mon 29
08:00 20:30


Avoid the queue

  • The flow of visitors is limited to 400 tourists every 30 minutes. The queue onsite is often very long, especially on a sunny day. You can avoid the line by booking your tickets in advance on the park’s official website or inside one of the two metro stations located near the Park (Lesseps and Vallcarca - L3).

  • Tip: online tickets are 1 euro cheaper than on site!

  • In order to smooth visitors’ flow, the park’s website gives you an overview of the number of remaining tickets for each time slot in real time. It’s a good indication of the crowd you can expect during your visit. If you’re free to visit the park anytime, give priority to green and orange time slots, and avoid red ones at all costs! As is often the case, the opening time is the least crowded: almost no waiting time.

Ticket prices


  • Adult: 7€
  • Children (7 to 12): 4,90€
  • Senior (+65): 4,90€
  • Children under 7: free


  • Adult: 8€
  • Children (7 to 12): 5,60€
  • Senior (+65): 5,60€
  • Children under 7: free

Ticket machines

You can avoid the line by booking your tickets in advance on the park’s official website or inside one of the two metro stations located near the Park (Lesseps and Vallcarca - L3).

Tips for a few days in Barcelona

This page will give you many tips to avoid crowds in Barcelona as well as crowd schedules for top tourist attractions in order to plan your visits.


Park Güell
📍 Carrer d’Olot

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